Sakshi Malik, the renowned wrestler, says goodbye to wrestling following the appointment of Sanjay Singh as the new president of the Indian Wrestling Federation. Her decision came after a significant upheaval in the wrestling community. Malik held a press conference revealing that despite receiving widespread support from various parts of the country while spending 40 days on the streets, the defeat occurred due to the federation’s decision.
The federation appointed Sanjay Singh, previously associated with Brijbhushan Singh as a business partner and former collaborator, as the head of the federation. It led her to part ways with wrestling. However, the story doesn’t end there. On January 18, Indian wrestling’s prominent figures – Sakshi Malik, Bajrang Punia, and Babita Phogat – along with several young wrestlers, began a protest at Jantar Mantar.
They accused Brijbhushan Singh, then the Wrestling Federation President, of sexual harassment and misconduct. Their demonstration was an attempt to challenge Singh’s position within the federation, demanding accountability and justice for the alleged incidents.
This protest led to discussions with Sports Minister Anurag Thakur, resulting in the protest being concluded by one wrestler on January 20. Despite submitting a committee report in April to investigate the allegations against Brijbhushan Singh, they were not disclosed publicly. Reports surfaced suggesting Singh was cleared of the charges.
In response, the wrestlers resumed their protest on April 27 at Jantar Mantar, intensifying their demonstration and persistently seeking transparency and resolution regarding the allegations. Sakshi Malik and her fellow wrestlers continued their fight for fairness and accountability within the wrestling federation.
Sakshi Malik’s goodbye to wrestling amid federation controversies marks a turning point in the sport’s narrative. Her decision reflects the challenges athletes sometimes face within the system. Yet, her impactful legacy as a role model to aspiring wrestlers endures. As she exits the wrestling arena, Sakshi Malik leaves behind an inspiring gift for future generations in the sport.