The stardom of the megastar Amitabh Bachchan is not hidden from the world. His fans love him to the core. Currently, this megastar is in the news for gifting his opulent bungalow to his daughter. This bungalow is named ‘Prateeksha’, and he gifted it to his daughter, Shweta Bachchan. It is known to be valued at around Rs. 50 crore.
Shweta Bachchan Nanda is married. She is a famous author, columnist, entrepreneur, and even a former model. Shweta has authored the amazing novel ‘Paradise Towers.’
However, this bungalow gifted to her by Big B is in the Vitthalnagar Cooperative Housing Society. This is spread over more than two plots of around 674 square meters as well as 890.47 square meters. The admeasuring gives it a collective value of more than Rs. 50.63 crore.
The bungalow is very close to Big B’s heart. It was Mr Bachchan’s first home in Juhu. During his initial career years, he used to live with his parents in Prateeksha: his father, Harivansh Rai Bachchan, and his mother, Teji Bachchan. In 2007, Big B’s son Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan got married in this very house and Jalsa.
As per the reports and sources, this bungalow, ‘Prateeksha’, has a value of more than Rs. 50 crore. The ownership transfer was done through separate gift deeds on November 8, 2024. It was done with a stamp duty payment of around Rs. 50.65 lakh. Mr Bachchan also paid around Rs. 200 as a registration fee for each plot that was gifted.
Other properties owned by Amitabh Bachchan
Amitabh Bachchan is known to own around five bungalows in Mumbai. They are Jalsa, Janak, Prasika, and even Vatsa. He lives a big life with his entire family in a Jalsa bungalow. It is in Mumbai’s Juhu area. The estimated cost of his Jalsa bungalow is around Rs. 50.63 crores. He got his bungalow as a gift from director Ramesh Sippy after the success of the movie ‘Satte Pe Satta’.
Bachchan’s second bungalow is Prateeksha. Also, he has an ancestral home in Allahabad, UP. But Big B changed it into an educational trust.
Many other properties are owned by Amitabh Bachchan in the country. It is said that he owns a property in France. As per some reports, his estimated income is Rs. 60 crore and Amitabh Bachchan’s net worth is around Rs. 3290 crore.
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