Vikrant Massey, the versatile actor, has recently made headlines owing to his noteworthy comments about Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor. In a poignant statement, Vikrant exclaimed, “I’ve always loved her. But this day, I fell in love all over again.” His latest film, ’12th Fail,’ garnered substantial attention, even achieving an Oscar nomination, propelling Vikrant into the limelight. He has showcased his versatility through various roles in various films and web series.
His notable appearances include movies like “Haseen Dilruba,” “Chhapak,” “Forensic,” “Gaslight,” “Love Hostel,” “14 Phere,” “Cargo,” “Dolly Kitty Aur Woh Chamakte Sitare,” “Ginny Weds Sunny,” “A Death in the Gunj,” and “Lipstick Under My Burkha.” Not confined to films, Vikrant has made a mark in the digital space, prominently featuring in web series such as “Mirzapur” and “Broken But Beautiful,” among others.
A social media post shared by Vikrant featured an older photograph alongside Kareena Kapoor. Despite the image being from the past, the charm and warmth radiated by Kareena’s smile were evident. Vikrant took to the caption section to express his unwavering adulation for Kareena, disclosing his enduring admiration for the accomplished actress. The post immediately triggered speculations and discussions regarding the potential collaboration between the two actors in an upcoming cinematic venture. However, neither Vikrant nor Kareena has confirmed any official association.
’12th Fail’ marked a significant milestone in Vikrant’s career, notably for portraying an IPS officer, a role that received widespread acclaim. The movie garnered critical acclaim and performed commendably at the box office, outshining significant competition in the film industry.
Vikrant gained immense popularity through his role as Bablu Pandit in the highly acclaimed series ‘Mirzapur.’ The portrayal of this iconic character resonated deeply with the audience, contributing significantly to Vikrant’s rising prominence in the entertainment sphere. After the success of ‘Mirzapur,’ he received many offers from prestigious production houses, signifying a notable turning point in his career trajectory. Vikrant credits ‘Mirzapur’ as a stroke of luck, as it opened doors to many film opportunities. Resulting in remarkably shaping his career.”
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