Recently, Bollywood’s veteran actor Anil Kapoor surprised everyone by hinting that Nayak 2 is coming soon. It sparked a lot of excitement among people. He made a cryptic response on Instagram, which defined the possibility of a Nayak sequel.
The actor, Anil Kapoor, is known for his amazing acting, iconic roles, and memorable screen presence. However, he left his fans in suspense by hinting that Nayak 2 is in the works and is soon going to be on the big screen.
As the speculation grows, let’s dig deep into the Instagram exchange that created this rumor and a lot of buzz.
It all started on Instagram.
The intrigue began when the actor shared one of his posts on his official Instagram account. It created excitement among his fans. However, among a lot of positive comments and well wishes, one of his fans grabbed the opportunity to ask, ‘Is Nayak2 happening?’
To everyone’s surprise, Anil Kapoor responded in a way that created confusion and a lot of excitement. He gave a hit that stated Nayak 2 is indeed in the making.
The moment Anil’s reaction hit the comment section, his fans were full of joy. There is a different set of fans of the Nayak movie who also expressed their joy, excitement, and anticipation.
About the movie ‘Nayak’
The movie Nayak was released in 2001. The movie was directed by S. Shankar. Anil Kapoor played the main lead in this movie. He played the role of Shivaji Rao in the movie, who is a common man and gets the opportunity to be the Chief Minister of the state for one day.
The movie is about Anil Kapoor’s amazing acting, gripping storyline, powerful performance, and beautiful music. The Nayak movie has attained cult status. It is still remembered as a memorable chapter in the cinematic history of Bollywood. People still watch this movie whenever it comes on any TV channel.
About Anil Kapoor
Anil Kapoor has been working in the film industry for decades. He has a remarkable screen presence and is loved for his wit, humor, and overall personality. Recently, he did a movie with Ranbir Kapoor called ‘Animal.’
However, the prospect of a Nayak sequel made his fans nostalgic. People are reminiscing about the strong impact that the Nayak movie left on the audience and offered an amazing and memorable cinematic experience.